Thursday, December 17, 2015

Where Did My Money Go?

     "Where did my money go ? I thought I was making x amount a hour and then times that by 40 and that is what my check must be".

     I laugh when I hear a recent know it all College punk say that and then try to figure out where did that money go, Who took it and why. Again in their eyes they are the smartest animals on the earth but been blindsided by what I call Big Government Reality. I love watch then get angry that they can not understand that all they believe in and protested for is paid by  THEM!
     But all the college students where told by ........ and went out and protested ! Could their ever so self important professors be wrong or.......LIED TO THEM to have them vote or think a certain way?
They can't get it thru their highly uneducated heads they where used and never taught what real everyday Americans face everyday. The College kids went from a home I am sure did not have to pay rent for, to a 4 year vacation and most think because they are the "Chosen one" and they are special and that everybody gets a paid 4 year vacation. They are not living in the real world and never up till they get their first job on their own, HAVE TO.
     I love watching their shelter life come crashing down on their belief of they are so special and then see they are not. Funny seeing them find out what they have to do or how many jobs they have to work to keep a roof over their heads and their butts in a car and then see that their Vacation from reality has crashed and that either they work or be homeless. It's also funny when they get their "Dream Job" and they get Min wadge and then remember all the BULL $h*t they wanted to hear and had to be true and that all college grads make  6 figures right out of College and do not have to work for their life as work is for the people who did not go to College. Some even fully believe that a Employer will hire them just because they went to College to sit in a office all day and play. All of a sudden, The College Grad is just another person and a nobody in the real world and have to work their asses off to even get noticed when all they had to do at College was to dress like a hooker.
     "All College should be free" they say BUT who pays that Commie Left Wing LOON they call a Professor, Their staff? ? Who pays for the heat, Hot Water and the people who wait on your uneducated ego hand and foot? Somebody has to pay and it's YOU.
     Remember, All the Bull Shit you heard and where taught in College is OUTDATED. Ever wonder why your Professor seems so know it all BUT no employer would hire his old outdated informed brain?
     Now getting back to your first check and it is HALF of what they said your special ass would be paid. What YOU protested about in College and thought it was "Cool" is to have higher and higher taxes taken out of YOUR paycheck to pay for people who are on Welfare, EBT, Illegal Aliens, Gay stuff ect. YOU DEMANDED TO BE SCREWED and now you are and YOU don't like it one bit. How do you think the rest of AMERICA feels?
     Welcome to REALITY and I hope it hurts.

Dierk's out. This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the Second Amendment.

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