Sunday, February 28, 2016

You have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to PROTECT YOURSELF from Government.

American has been under attack from Government and their Anti- American friends for years and most Americans just bit their tongue because they would get attacked by gangs of Government backed, Welfare Paid groups and again Government would just turn the other way because they did not agree with a High Tax and Spend Government who sheltered , Shielded themselves from any blowback. Government will do anything to stay in Power. Just look at how they act, think and Vote to stay in Power. If you can't figure out why they Vote a certain way, Just ask what does government have to gain by acting like they are the brightest Americans BUT vote to sell out America every chance they get. Follow the Money. Foreign "Donations" control Government employees. Congress also voted laws for themselves like INSIDER TRADING to benefit only themselves and not Law Abiding Americans.
     Government Employees have also shielded themselves from their actions by forcing American Taxpayers to pay for their endless Private Army Security to keep you at bay as they RAPE YOUR FAMILY.  Government Employees do not care about how hard you have to work to pay your Taxes, They do not care about your future. They only care about themselves. And if you upset their future or make it uncertain, They lose their mind. 
     Government has put themselves above the law BUT they or their families are not above the Laws of WAR.
     Not enough Government Employees fear Americans because they got "Fat" screwing America and not they are LAZY from being "Fat" Not enough Government Employees fear their actions as they again have shielded themselves from it.  Government and their employees are a Fright Train flying down the tracks thinking nothing will stop them until a Brick Wall gets in their way. Just watch somebody cross in front of a government motorcade and "Break Down" and see how they act. They all lose their minds because YOU ARE STOPPING THEM. Stop and slow government at all costs to stop their rape of America.
     Government has lost the respect and fear of the American. It is time we make them fear us by any means it takes just like Government would do what ever it takes for them to send out somebody or something to stop Americans who do not like the bought and paid government's direction it has been going for years. If Government can find something to kidnap you, You do the same to them or their family. They light you up with a laser to intimidate you, You do the same. If government gives your family a hard time , YOU DO THE SAME. Government pulls a gun on you, YOU DO THE SAME. If around election time Government knocks on your door, YOU DO THE SAME.
     Why should Americans have to fear Government or fear for their next attack from Government and Government does not fear the same? They more fear you give Government, The less TAXES will raise. Make Government fear you and fear trespassing on you or your property.

     You have a God Given Right to protect yourself and a FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to say what is on your mind.

Dierks's out: This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Child Game Playing College SnowFlakes.

 I ventured out of my local area where I live in my compound to a College town many, many miles away. Thank GOD it s many miles away. I do not want that left wing commie shit living next to or trying to infect my area. College Commie Libs and their left wing brain dead cult followers tend to stay far away where people carry and drive with Rifles mounted in their Pick Ups. This is why I do this !
     I went to a large home improvement store to get some Paracord in a bulk role for the compound. As I was there something out of place and strange caught my eye. This was what appeared to be a mother and a son. The "son" was creating all sort of drama because he was trying to build a game to practice so he and his college team can compete in Texas as some world college championships later on this year. It's not strange for a Mon and Son to go shopping BUT it is strange for a Mom and a 25 year old SnowFlake "Son" , Who from using my backround, was able to determined that the "Son" was 25, Worked a job and went to school and is insanely into a game he saw on HARRY POTTER called Quidditch.
     Quidditch is a game where SNOWFLAKES run around on broomsticks and toss a ball into a round circle.As I listened to the SnowFlake, This is a very popular game in colleges everywhere and that there is a world championships in Texas later on this year and as the SnowFlake said, "Thousands come to play from all over". Thousands from colleges come to play a game they saw when they where kids and not are what I would call adults but I refuse to grow the hell up pajama boy snowflakes. I also found out that the whole family is on some sort of public government programs to pay their bills. I am very sure that from what I could hear , this public taxpayer assistance sent this 25 year old girly snowflake to college for free and is paying him and his team to travel to Texas to play a game they saw on a child movie. I was wondering if he was bringing his favorite dress and Barbies also. This College SnowFlake is nothing more then a waste of life and could never make it out of a city or protect those around him including his family. He is being paid from government to be a professional Gay and I am sure that is what he puts on his taxes and not a productive member of the United States. As he in in his own words, HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE. College SnowFlakes think it's OK to be a child in college and find no problems with the idea of staying a child for as long as possible. They do this to avoid being responsible for anything and just flat out refuse to grow the hell up like normal Americans have done over the years. This SnowFlakes have twisted up every excuse they could come up with to stay this way as long as SOMEBODY ELSE is paying their way, And I am sure would burn a dress in protest if their free ride ever dried up. There are thousands of them and I would say Millions even. Millions of people who show signs of Mental Illness to get a free ride. They think that this is normal. I call them future muslim victims.
     All these SnowFlakes where raised wearing dresses and nobody did not want to tell them that it was not normal for a boy to wear a dress unless there was something mentally wrong with them. Nobody told them that they must train everyday to protect woman and their family. To them it was somebodie eles's job and not theirs as their eggshell ego could be hurt, So they wear a dress and not train for War. This dress wearing becomes ingrained into them to the point it's their second nature and not their first. They find the path of a easy life is not being what GOD wants them to be but what they need to do to stay on Government programs for a free ride. Getting their hands dirty during a hard day's work is not a joy they will not strive to get but being a soft,feeble as possible, lazy hand out piece of shit that it's sole job in life is to be a leech off a American Taxpayer and not ever taking care of themselves and their families. They can stay weak because government will provide for them for a VOTE to keep them in power.
     Growing up was when a Boy became a Man and provided for his family and he worked for it and took pride in his Wife and family and not college snowflakes. Being a Man means serving your country and not being a slave to it or anybody else. Being a Man means helping your neighbor when needed with a smile and not at the point of a gun by Government or college snowflake.

Dierks's Out: This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the Second Amendment.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Get Ready For A Shooting WAR on US Soil.

Get ready for a shooting WAR on US Soil soon. This has been in the works by Government for years now. The Kings and Queens in Government have been leaning on their PC SnowFlakes to tamp down on every American's First Amendment Right to get their goal of making America a third world shithole. Look who they are IMPORTING into this country on taxpayer dime and then HIDE behind Security and SWAT TEAMS. If you say something Government sends out their "Hit Squads" and "Goons" to stop you. Ever wonder how they get paid and from who? Welfare pays them to protest you as you go to work and get taxes collected at the point of a gun to give to Government who funnels this down to them via EBT, Welfare and every "Program" that puts taxpayer money into LAZY people's pockets.  If you want to lose weight, Get off EBT. This is the crowd that the Government protects their left wing commie world view and enforces this on you.
     Think I am kidding? Tell me when has government stopped what they are doing and started to make American great again without some sort of War? It is not the Taxpayer pushing for a War on US Soil BUT the US Government by their actions alone. How far will they push somebody till somebody puts a stop to them and HOW? You think VOTING works? Look at the bumper crop of Left wing RINO loons who chose their own personal checkbooks over America. Government SOLD AMERICA OUT FOR PERSONAL GAIN.
     What will be the reality of Government out of control self serving actions? Well to put it bluntly, There are more Americans who do not work for Government then do. Government can surround themselves and their families with security BUT that is just a temporary fix. Security  will stop coming to work when they can't get paid. Who goes to work and not get paid? Soon after security dwindles Government changes their tune because nobody is there to protect them and then they just become like every person in America and their ego's would not be able to handle it. Their asses will be dragged back to earth and they would have to live the laws they wrote to protect them BUT who said that the people who Government sent their goons out to attack will not do the same to Government? If you want to get somebodies attention screw with their family. Treat Government's family like Government has treated you. Government made this mess and it will be American's job to clean them out by any means possible and rebuild the government into what out found fathers built it on.

Lock and Load, Shit about to hit the fan. May I suggest Laser sights? 

Dierks's Out. This piece falls under the First Amendment and is PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Americans are under attack by government.

Government could care less about Americans and care only about themselves and will toss you under the bus by any means they have available to keep power. Just look at who Government attacks, Sends out their SWAT TEAMS to stop them DEAD, and who they just give a free pass to.  The radical minority left always get a free pass. Good examples are the "Occupy" groups, The Negro Panthers and "BLM".  How many times has Government sent in their SWAT TEAMS to get rid of them? How many times have they been shot by SWAT TEAMS or any other federal "Law Enforcement" ? When has the DOJ gone after anybody who is connected to the Government who acts as "Enforces" to keep the "Government Kings and Queens" in power? Government hates anybody who makes their life a little hard and forces them to live like normal Americans. They will use their connections to get you out of their way or to stop you from making them look bad. This goes back to them being mostly lawyers who just by being a lawyer, they think is a intimating factor alone.  Government like Lawyers use the courts to get you to do what they want, and mostly punish you for speaking your mind. We still have a First Amendment here in the United States and if you do not say what government wants you to say, they send in their lawyers to attack you. First they steal your money out of your bank account then they serve you papers. Government will never run out of money but you can't defend yourself. You can defend yourself in other ways that I will go into later BUT government thinks because they are so powerful, They can make you do what they want you to do. What "Pain" does government feel when they use their power to stop you from your First Amendment right? None and if they felt pain and had something to lose or their power trip also hurt them personally, Things would be different. All of a sudden they treat you with "Kid Gloves". Government has limitations set into it BUT government does not respect their limitations because they do not feel the pain of their choices. I do not put it past anybody in America, Legal or Illegal, to one day go the families of those in Government and bang on their door and talk with them. What do you think would happen if "Government Employee X" robs your bank account then serves you papers and somebody goes and takes pictures of their families and with their addresses and their background looked into and all this information is personally delivered to the person who is trying to drag you into court? That would get their attention real fast and you just leveled the playing field. Now government can't hide behind a government office of some sort and they from that point on know that they have to be "Nice" when dealing with you or maybe , just maybe they may have another problem to deal with later on in the future they created by going after somebody.
     Do you think it's some accident that Government wants YOUR GUNS?  Government want's you to be their slave and any American who can put up a fight to stop them they want out of their way. Make no mistake about it, Government works for themselves. Live FREE or Die FIGHTING.

Dierks's out: This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and protected by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Train Your Hands For War.

 The writing is on the wall. Government has chosen a side and it is not the American. Government could give a shit about the safety of you and your family as they hide behind TAXPAYER PAID PRIVATE SECURITY that is paid for at the point of a GUN and the hell with you.  What is the American to do since Government looks at the taxpayer as their slaves, and if they "Get out of line", Government can at will send out one of their many SWAT teams to stop them and "Keep them in line.

     What is the AMERICAN TAXPAYER to do? Train your hands for WAR.
     Just like the Left Wing send their Sons to Ballet Class to learn to be Gay, You and your family MUST train to fight anything that government sends your way. You must learn "Empty Hands" style of Martial Arts to Gorilla Warfare tactics and TRAIN like your life depends on it because it does.  Think I'm nuts? Tell me who are you going to call when Government sends their SWAT TEAMS to FORCE YOU to do what YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO? Please do not give me the weak argument that you do nothing illegal. What will YOU do when something you do becomes illegal? How will YOU stop government?  Do you think a Lawyer would stop a out of control government? If government is out of control, and it is right now, AND something like government supported muslims take over and they say that YOUR WIFE and DAUGHTERS are now their sex slaves? What the hell will you do then when they come for them? Without training, there is no stopping them. Why wish you had the skills and need them when YOU can get the skills and train. Think this is a joke ?  muslims are do that right now and muslim terrorists have a friend in the White House. Do you still think government would protect you? They won't and I do not care what sell out you voted for. YOU ARE SCREWED and America has changed and there will be no going back.
     How and where do you seek training?

     What I have been doing for many years that I can remember is Karate. Martial Arts are a great way to learn how to take care of yourself without weapons. You will get in great shape and before you know it, You will be in what I call "Fit shape" and keep that way for years. Karate takes practice to learn so going to the Dojo 2 days a week is the Minimum, 3 or more is ideal. Karate does not cost much to learn. You will learn alot about yourself. Go with your family and take class as a family. Learning other styles of Martial Arts will round your skills out. 

     Next is join and support your local Militias. Joining one is just as American as Apple Pie. Again train hard. Learn First Aid s much as you can and push your learning here as far as you can go. This will save lives and they could be your families.

     Government fears groups of people who can stop them.  Government fear is your power. Government officials will hate you with a passion BUT will wish they where you, A REAL AMERICAN.

Dierks's out: This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the Second Amendment.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

muslims ATTITUDE problem.

Muslims ATTITUDE problem.

muslins like almost all immigrants who come to the Holy Country of United States always bring their "We are better then you" attitudes with them. They even live by them. Just look how they carry themselves daily when in the United States. They think LAWS are not for them but Americans and they being muslims can do whatever they want because a child molester said so. Government looking for cheap votes , offers them every government program designed for Americans s a bribe to get the pig muslims who breed like rabbits to vote for them. Government picks muslim terrorists over Americans. 
     Now with muslim terrorists having Government protection, muslims gone wild comes about and nobody stops them for fear of muslims calling Government racist. Government will  not say this but FUCK YOU MUSLIMS and I hope you CHOKE ON PORK. I hope your "Wife" takes off her "Hefty Bag" or somebody takes it off of her and I hope just like muslims do, I hope a band of Americans catch you and council you like the Russian did recently to muslim men who attacked woman in a night club in Russia. Funny how when they saw that the Russian MEN where not going to put up with their shit, They tried to RUN ! What a bunch of little girls. They dish it out BUT can't take it, and then they hide behind their Government Protection.  
     In order to have Peace for your family YOU MUST HAVE WAR. You don't train for Peace like governments demand you do, YOU TRAIN FOR WAR and keep your skills sharp. Help your family and friends train for WAR. Muslims want to RAPE YOUR FAMILY. I call this a ALL OUT WAR. God did not make you to be a door mat. If he wanted YOU and YOUR FAMILY to be a door mat, He would have made you one.
     muslims want hell, YOU MUST GIVE IT TO THEM of they will make YOU and YOUR FAMILIES LIFE HELL WITH GOVERNMENT PROTECTION. Government has TAXPAYER PAID PROTECTION and do not care about you or your families life, JUST THEIRS.  
     What can you do? You can train for War and since Government is IMPORTING muslims and putting them on Government Welfare Programs of all sorts and RAISING YOUR TAXES THRU THE ROOF, Let the muslims know where any government employees live so they can thank them personally for importing them in. Why not? Your Government will hide from you but can't hide from the PC muslims they IMPORTED into the UNITED STATES to RAPE YOUR FAMILY. If they did, They would be called RACISTS and nobody in Government wants to be called RACISTS. Government SOLD YOU OUT for cheap votes.Help muslims thank them and their families no matter where they live.
    If Government Employees do not like it happening to them, May I suggest they do not import muslims then?

Dierks's Out:This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Who are YOU going to call when Government Attacks?

I get a kick out of how Government expects and even demands that Americans walk on Egg Shells when dealing with them. This is true do to the fact of well armed SWAT TEAMS that almost anybody in Government can use at their beckon call to keep people who are giving them a hard time.  Your Tax Dollars are spent to ensure this and Government on a power trip will enforce this. Now when Americans start and train a like minded group to stand up to BIG GREEDY GOVERNMENT, Government looses their minds because they know that they are not the most powerful group in the "Room' or  not the"Big man on Campus".
     Who is going to stop the US Government when they turn their guns on the American Taxpayer? Your local  American Militia. Join your local Militia and support them any way possible. They are your last line of defense from a out of control BIG GREEDY GOVERNMENT.
Dierks's out. This piece falls under the First Amendment and is PROTECTED by the Second Amendment