Saturday, July 30, 2016

Government's WAR on the Police

Government's WAR on the Police came to a spotlight when the Dummy Nutcase Commies stood up the NEGRO moms at their recent commie convention to show SUPPORT to the CRIMINAL INVOLVED NEGROS who where THANK GOD DROPPED by a POLICE OFFICERS AFTER BEING ATTACKED by a CRIMINAL NEGRO.

     Bottom line, The Dummy Nutcase Negros SUPPORT the MURDER or the POLICE. 

     I support the Police and I make no bones about it. I PROUDLY SUPPORT THEM. I can not say the same with the commies in Government, As they will do NOTHING to keep the POLICE SAFE from their NEGRO TERRORISTS who they support. Ever notice how NEGROS can NEVER do anything wrong when POLICE and the WHITE COMMUNITY can NEVER do anything right?

     Fuck their slavery excuse, I don't care. Fuck all negro criminals and all who support them, Fuck the Government who will do anything to keep in power, FUCK the MSM who just write pro negro, pro minority, ANTI WHITE pieces they call "Reporting". 
     Since the Government and the MSM have called for the deaths of all COPS and support it, I say this to them:

WHAT THE FUCK WILL YOU DO WHEN THE GUNS ARE TURNED ON YOU? Could you blame anybody who "Does unto them and their families as they have done unto the Police and their families?

     You know that if any member of Government, MSM or their favorite left wing commie group comes under the same attack as they gleefully cheer on for the Police, Something real fast will be done about it.

     The LEFT hate the POLICE until they are under attack and they need the Police. What if the Police took their time going to a call that involved Government official or the MSM?  Why would they even show up?  Who the hell is in control here?  Why should the Police support anybody who wants them dead? Why should the Police support anybody who supports the shooting of them? 

     How about this ? How about I use the First Amendment right to speck my mind? How about 


Dierk's Out: This First Amendment Artwork is protected by the Second Amendment.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

This is what America is all about.

I have been away for a bit because where I live and not too far away where massive floods and some of my extended family members had to move everything they own quick. They knew who they can call and called they did. I have no problems with helping them out. They know I got the land to park a bunch of trailers on along with a few tractor trailers full of their stuff along with their cattle can have a place to roam free and graze. Their dogs and cats came too and they all get along.
We have had to hook up everybody to my off grid power plant and run lines for their waste. No problem we all chipped in along with the kids and their dogs too. The cats just watched. We got it done. We have been BBQ and Smoking meat non stop and eating like a family then a giant fire pit. To me this is living. We are not blood but still we are family.We are a American Spirit Family. There is no better feeling helping out when you can. Hearing their kids laughing and playing with the cattle, Dogs and cats brings joy to my heart. There is something special to have the honor wo whitness this.
This is what America is all about.
Dierk’s Out: This first Amemdment art work is also protected by the Secons Amendment.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Government protects Criminals,Judges and Lawyers. All other do not matter.

     Funny how Government protects Criminals and attacks with the full weight of Government those who protect and defend themselves from criminals. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why Judges let out repeat felons back on the streets?
     Because most in Government are Lawyers and everytime a judge lets out a Perp from jail, One of his friends is making money.  Do you think that Judges don't make out too? This gives them "Job Security" at the expense of the Law Abiding.

     Good example is the Gentleman who was sitting outside in his taxi in NY when his Wife was attacked. His wife called him and he came running in and beat the Criminal to death why tried to RAPE HIS WIFE. Who did the DA go after and not eh CAREER CRIMINAL? Yes you guest it, The Man who protected his Wife and beat the Criminal to death like should have had done to him years ago.

     In the same sick screwed up state, Commie New York,  If a Criminal is caught with a Gun, The judge pleeds it down BUT if a New Yorker is practicing their Second Amendment Rights, He goes to jail for a very long time.

     Government, Judges and Criminals get protection. The law abiding do not.

What has this world come to?

This Artwork is covered by the First Amendment and protected by the Second Amendment.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

MSM are not "Reporters" but Anti Americans.

Funny how muslims want to get into your face but hide behind woman and children and the US left wing MSM is so in the tank for them, they just write ( Notice how I did not say Report) anything pro muslim and not the truth. Just ask any MSM "reporter" how thye feel about killing Gays when they bend over backwards saying how wrong it is then ask them why they support it when muslims do it?

     MSM hates America and I even say do whatever it takes to find other media sources like to get your news from that is not PC'ed up.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Train your hands to fight.

     With all the SJW crying about their safe spaces and micro aggression non PC words that hurt their head but can storm  a Trump Camp stop, I got something to say:

Train your hands to fight and when the PC SJW crybabies attack you, Know how to kick their ass and beat them till they drop.

     Where I live, I carry full time and nobody will stop me. If one of the PC SJW attack me, I will drop them right where they stand, and this is how they should be treated when they attack. They attack you and you have every right to defend yourself from them and the Government who supports them as they hide behind a SWAT Team.

     I will go one step further. If you have sniper training and they are protesting on your property, DROP THEM and watch them run like the cowards they are. The more they drop, The safer you and your family will be.
     The media will not protect you but the PC SJW Terrorists. MSM is not your friend.

Want to stop them? DROP THEM!

Dierks's Out: This artwork is covered by the First Amendment and protect by the Second Amendment.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Help imported muslims thank their local Government.

     I figure that since Government will not protect the American Citizen from terrorists of all types and always has a excuse to why not to BUT their @$$ is safe, It's time to help the terrorists who are here to point them in the direction of WHO TO THANK.

     Dear scum muslim terrorists of all types who wish to do the United States harm with the Government's help, Let me give you some advice for your next "Alley SnackBar" moment.  
     Back from the cesspools you came from, Your head child molester aka imom who likes to molest kids , gave you some very wrong advice. The American who works to pay taxes who the government steals then gives to your third world shithole country is to blame for your problems back in your third world shithole goat fucking home.  If you are here to do the United States some harm for your gutter muslim religion, May I strongly advise to always to look up your local government officials and go find them and thank them personally FIRST before you desiding to have your "Alley SnackBar" movement? They will be real happy to meet you and see you at any place they are and they even may introduce you to their families ! At that time you can thank them personally and I strongly advise you do that first. Why Not? they support you and if you try to do this to any American outside of Government, let me tell you something that Japan learned: "There is a gun behind every blade of grass"., So why risk your life when you may have a one shot deal? The US Government by their anti American actions are showing you SUPPORT for you, So why not Thank them every opportunity  you have?
     How should muslims locate their local governments ?  Have one of your friends find a local phonebook and look for local government officials and go and thank them for importing you and your goat wifes and all the government hand outs they take at the point of a gum\n for you to have from hard working taxpayers. bring your whole goat family and if they ask you to leave that means they are anti muslims. Please try to hold back your anger for the government for hating muslims for not welcoming you with a red carpet BUT tell them you are then mad as hell for pissing on the koran infront of you infront of all your goat wifes.
     Can anybody tell me how this is not a win win for all the muslims who government imported?

Dierk's Out:This piece of artwork is covered by the First Amendment and protected by the Second Amendment.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Government was designed to be a doormat to the American.

Americans have lost touch in how much power big greedy government has amassed  and how they protect themselves from it. If you did any of the things that government has made legal for them to do, you would be in jail.

     how come government can protect themselves from criminals but you as a American have to jump thru hoops to?
     Why would any land or home owner have to ask for permission to do with what you want with your own property?

      Do you think our Founding Fathers had all this in mind? NO, they had government being a door mat to their employers, The American, And not the other way around. This is also the reason why we have the Second Amendment.

     Government is in for a rude awaking one day and they brought it on themselves and I hope it hurts like hell for the cowards.

Dierks's out: This artwork is protected by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.