Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Government protects Criminals,Judges and Lawyers. All other do not matter.

     Funny how Government protects Criminals and attacks with the full weight of Government those who protect and defend themselves from criminals. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why Judges let out repeat felons back on the streets?
     Because most in Government are Lawyers and everytime a judge lets out a Perp from jail, One of his friends is making money.  Do you think that Judges don't make out too? This gives them "Job Security" at the expense of the Law Abiding.

     Good example is the Gentleman who was sitting outside in his taxi in NY when his Wife was attacked. His wife called him and he came running in and beat the Criminal to death why tried to RAPE HIS WIFE. Who did the DA go after and not eh CAREER CRIMINAL? Yes you guest it, The Man who protected his Wife and beat the Criminal to death like should have had done to him years ago.

     In the same sick screwed up state, Commie New York,  If a Criminal is caught with a Gun, The judge pleeds it down BUT if a New Yorker is practicing their Second Amendment Rights, He goes to jail for a very long time.

     Government, Judges and Criminals get protection. The law abiding do not.

What has this world come to?

This Artwork is covered by the First Amendment and protected by the Second Amendment.