Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Government Is Not Your Friend.

  I was talking to one of our fans and he was telling me how hard it was where he and his family live to get what I feel are a few basic "Rights" you have when you one a home.
     He lives in the North East Left Wing state, Lives in a town on a small 50 x 100 foot lot, 2 story home. He got sick and tired for paying a HUGE electric bills every month and decided to do something about. When I heard the amount I could not believe it, BUT spending a average of 475.00 every month to keep your lights on I almost did not believe it till I did a little digging and he is right.  I am still shaking my head!
     He went out and did some looking around and made 2 choices. Solar Panels on HIS HOUSE and a Wind Turbine also. He thought he was being "Green" and his town where he lives is always preaching being "Green" so what could go wrong? He ordered them, Installed them and watched his meter almost come to a stop ! He could not believe it because he said he did not spend alot of money to almost make it stop and he was doing something good for the Earth too ! He said he was happy and anybody not giving themselves a 5 grand raise a year without much work would be happy.
     A few months goes by when a Town "Code Enforcement" employee came banging on his door, as my fan puts it, "Thinking he has some sort of power to DEMAND respect from me and I have to kiss his ring". His town Code Enforcement Nazi asked if he had a permit for his Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine. My fan said that this is HIS HOME he OWNS and he will do what he wants to the home without asking for permission from anybody. This did not fly with a left leaning environmental town that makes you sort your garbage, who gives you better parking spaces in the town if you drive a battery operated car. They took him to COURT to explain why he had installed himself Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright owns. His response to the Judge was as he said respectful but blunt. He asked the Judge in this "Town Court" just why should he have to ask ANYBODY for permission to put Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright  owns in the United States of America?  He said the Judge lost it and began screaming some rant that he could not understand at all as the "Court Officers" where trying their best to intimidate him. As he says, He just stood there bewildered. He said that if the "Town Judge" was just nice and respectful and even explained to him why this was a problem, He may have gone along with it BUT the "Town Judge" wanted to make a point to a man who has served his country in some hell holes, Who has a set of balls on him a mile wide.
     My fan said that this is America and no court would change that or his freedom to do what he wants to a home he outright owns. He said he then thanked to court for their time and did a about face and walked out of there. When the "Court Officers" approached him in a attempt to detain his he just told him to "Back Off" and the did.
     He went home and talked to his Lawyer and sell the home AFTER he went to a few Town Hall meetings and told a "Stacked" town board members how he felt and why he is moving out of the area and he hopes the town gets the Welfare Crowd into a Section 8 home they crave so much into his home he worked 2 jobs paying off.
     He sold the home to a Corporation who chops up homes for Section 8 and moved a few states away and bought  100 acres of a Farm and put up his Solar Panels and now 5 Wind Turbines where his Electric bis is 25.00 a month. He said he is still "Tied in to the grid" and installed a Whole house Generator so there will never be a problem.

     And yes, He did not ask anybody for PERMISSION to do what he wants to HIS HOME HE OWNS in AMERICA.

Dierks out.
This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

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