Sunday, December 20, 2015
Support Your Local Militias.
There I said it. Support them and join. Speaker of the House, Rep RINO Paul RINO Ryan just showed any thinking American that there is NOBODY in Government who represents the American, Who they claim to work for. When you actually read the Omnibus Bill, He, the Speaker of the SCREWED WHAT AMERICA STANDS FOR, Unless you are for muslim terrorists and Illegal Aliens moving into your neighborhood and RAPING your family, Getting every Government program out there from EBT, Welfare, Section 8 to free education for all their brood of budding uneducated little now Government protected terrorists who will give every US Dollar they get to their local terrorist training camp AKA Mosque or send it back to the CESSPOOL known as Mexico, AND YOU GET THE BILL and if YOU DO NOT PAY IT, YOU get a GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE with a GUN in YOUR FACE who will come to COLLECT or YOU loose everything and go to jail. Think I am kidding? Don't pay your Taxes and see what happens to you or just look up what the BLM did to the Bundy Ranch.
Speaker RINO Ryan betrayed America. He is no different then any Democrat in office, and he did it for their own checkbook. They screwed America for personal gain. They also showed their true colors.
They did, They showed us who they are and who they think they are and they are far from being better then the typical American. Do not trust them for anything and never trust their word. They are not Americans but traders with power.
They do have power and with just a few phone calls they can make any American's life hell. Like all Government the first thing they take from you is the ability to fight them, So they will steal your money out of your bank BEFORE you even know there is a problem. They think that is leveling the playing field when it puts them in the advantage. They never lose their money because they are the Government. They have done it in the past many times and will do it again in the future for one good reason: They never FEEL what YOU are going thru and the PAIN you feel. Let's say that the Judge who say's it's legal for the Government to ROB YOUR BANK ACCOUNT is the person who knocks on your front door and tells you right to your face that he is the one who ROBBED your hard earned money and left your property. We all know that Judges would never do that because they know that the Odds are not in their favor and somebody would assault them, So they keep their inflated ego far away and send a letter or a SWAT team to strike fear in you. The judge and Government work hand and hand and will be safe.......BUT what do you think would happen if you got the name of the Judge and every Government employee and where they live and YOU knocked on their door and let's say since they took your money, You desire to even the playing field and took the Judge and had the judge themselves call their office and tell them to put back the money into the account and you went and got your money out of the bank before you let the Judge go? What did you do here? You even the playing field by taking the Judges power away from him and doing what government has done for years, You FORCED them to deal with you on YOUR OWN TERMS. After you let the Judge go, You better have a dark hole to hide in because the Judge and the Government will lose their minds over YOU protecting what YOU worked hard for and got it back from them who let's face it, would have given it away.
You better hide and I do not suggest you do the above BUT i can see somebody doing this because Government has pushed the American too far, So far they now have to defend themselves by any means they choose.
You need to join your local Militias. If there is not one, YOU NEED TO START ONE and do it fast. We as Americans where just showed that Government does not work for Americans by passing the Omnibus Bill but the gave away MILLIONS unpon MILLIONS to other countries who hate us. This money will be collected at the point of a gun by Government. Now it's US against the Government and they have power unless you belong to a Militias Good example of a unchecked government power is the BLM and what they tried to do at the Bundy Ranch until they felt the heat of Laser sights on their back and left. It was not the Government who came to the defense of the Bundy's but American Militias who came to defend the Bundy's from Government power. BLM packed up their Attitudes and left with their tail between their legs knowing they left because they fear what could happen. Bundy 1, Government 0.
Being part of a Local Militias is nothing new and if you do a quick search you will find many and I hope some in your area. If there is none, START ONE. Militias are part of American History and there is nothing wrong with them. Hell if you join one and do not like it then join another until you are a member of one that meets your needs. Militias are not illegal like most people want you to believe. They are truely American.
I want you to think this out: Howcome muslims in America can have "NO GO zones" ? Howcome muslims terrorists can have training camps all over the United States and the Government does noting about it?
Militias are your neighbors who can and will be there to help. Just like you must be for them. You never know what over reach the Government will try if you are not there to stop them. Government has their own SWAT TEAMS, Why not Americans for Americans?
Go join and support your local Militia today.
Dierks Out. This piece is covered under the FIRST AMENDMENT and protected by the SECOND AMENDMENT.
Friday, December 18, 2015
You Are Not Free In America Anymore.
I got a ton of feedback from people asking for ideas on how to build of form a compound of some sort, Either a "Big Wall" type or a "Glock Watch" type.
Either one, You must be quiet about it and only invite who you can trust with your life. A "Big Wall" type is my favorite and a little easier to do in a non Left Wing Loon of a state BUT can be done in a Left Wing State like California or New York. As long as you have Country around you and a long dirt road to drive that is covered with trees, You can build a "Big Wall" compound to protect you and your family. The less people who know the better. From the first day of building the Wall, You must keep in mind and act like somebody is watching you build. Maybe not infront of you but a great distance. Be careful! The Wall you build must be tall, strong and thick. It must be able to take a hit from a truck. Most SWAT teams can make bombs of some sort to make a hole and gain entry into a Compound. If you think this is a possibility, Build with this in mind. When you start building, You must be fast doing it. I suggest you start in the back area of the compound where people would be less likely to see you build. Best is to build under trees if you can. Build along the sides of the property as quietly as possible. If anybody asks questions just say something that you do not want the Horses to get out. They may buy it and leave you alone. If you live in the Country, Having Horses is nothing big to stand out.
The Glock Watch" type of compound is more difficult to do but it can be done. If you live in a suburban setting where you have a block with houses and land with the house, You can start your own QUIET block watch. Remember it is legal to walk on sidewalks and drive cars down a block, And it is legal to watch your neighbor's home and call the Police if needed. What you have to do is quietly see who would be interested in the idea and have a meeting at somebodies home and go over the details from a actually Patrols with 2 way radios or neighbors taking turns on watching the block and keeping a report of any strange activity on the block, to turning the homes security cameras onto the streets to record the licence plates and descrip of who was driving or who was walking on the street. The group must also be on social media with using no real names but just numbers to hide who you all are. This social media idea is not for anybody outside the group but for the group to keep in touch 24/7. This can be very powerful ! If you start to see people watch a home, You can let the group know. You never know what you might find or who kids are going out at night thru a window or who is climbing in!
In the "Glock Watch" type of a compound, You can build a Solar Panel system with a back of batteries to hold the power you harvest from the sun. A back up whole house generator that is hidden from sight with enough fuel to last 2 months would be good also.
The "Big Wall" Compound has it's many advantages over living near a city. Every building on your property must have Solar Panels and Wind Turbine systems in place and a bank of Batteries to store all the energy you harvest during the day, And have the batteries in a central location. When the sun goes down, The Wind Turbines can keep on charging your batteries. A diesel and Propane whole house generators with enough fuel for 4 months will be a nice back up to solar panels. Your own drilled well for fresh water is a must. A few wells in different areas of the property would be ideal. If it's possible, Store a few thousand gallons of water.Remember you have to get them tested every 3 months or so. Your Septic System must be onsite and not hooked into sewers.
Food: Build up and keep a years worth of food at all times along with Toilet Paper and Paper towels. You never know what you may need so keep the basic stuff. Lobster is out BUT a few Stakes can be nice. Also remember the Animals and what they eat too !
We have moved into very dangerous times where we MUST defend ourselves from our Government who wants to make us their slaves. Government stopped giving a dam about America when they gave a dam about their own checkbook more. They can fire up a SWAT team from any of the alphabet groups to attack you with what they feel like when directed by government. Remember the BLM? Why does the BLM have a SWAT team? Did you know that the NEA has a SWAT team? There is no reason why they have SWAT teams at their call for other then intimidation. Now remember who backed down at the Bundy Ranch when they knew that FREE AMERICANS would defend the Bundys? That was the American Spirit in action.
You never know what the Government will bring to anyplace they want to send their SWAT teams to storm, So be prepared for anything to happen. Having a very large about of Fire Arms and Ammo is still never enough, So collect as much as you can and keep it handy in a climate controlled safe room.
This is just a small list of ideas that can be used to protect yourself from the Government Goon Squad.
Dierk's Out: This piece is covered by the First Amendment and Protected by the Second Amendment.
Ryan Shows His True Colors.
Nobody in Government works for the TAXPAYERS. Ryan is a perfect example. There are nobody who will stand up for the American Taxpayer. Yes they will bull shit you at their town hall meetings saying how hard they worked to just keep it at what we get screwed with. Nobody in Government works hard and they all think they are Kings and Queens with 24/ 7 security.
There are no 2 party system but one big party of people who think we work for them, Who are controlled by their campaign donors and lobbyists, Foreign or Domestic. Money talks in Government and the more that gets into their checkbook, the direction they will go. This is not America.
What if you took land you own, Put up a wall around it, built homes on the land, Farm the land and produced your own electric and became self sufficient and kept Government far away at your front gate where they belong and enforced your own "Town" rules? What would Government do if you hung a sign every 15 feet on your fence that said that Trespasses or uninvited guests will be shot on site
Government would lose their minds because they can not control you. I am sure they would fly planes and helicopters over your property to harass you and take pictures of the property to find something that they would want to get they're greedy tax loving hands on. They will use every excuse to storm your property with the full weight of Government. They will do anything to drag you out of your "Compound" to court and then arrest you on some trumped up charges once they got their hands on you. What if YOU did that to them or their family? Think they would like it?
Government hates it when you don't play by what rules they demand you play by. Why play by their rules when they work for us? How about We make them play by the American Taxpayer rules?
Government is FORCING AMERICANS to build their own communities to supply their own form of government and PROTECTION from a out of control Government who stopped representing them, Who only represent their own Checkbook.
This is the future of America. Ryan is building a fence around his Property to keep him and his interest safe, SO YOU MUST.
Government is no longer a FREE AMERICAN'S FRIEND, But somebody looking to make them their slave. Lock and Load, The fight for American starts now.
Dierks's out. This piece falls under the First Amendment and is protected by the Second Amendment.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Where Did My Money Go?
"Where did my money go ? I thought I was making x amount a hour and then times that by 40 and that is what my check must be".
I laugh when I hear a recent know it all College punk say that and then try to figure out where did that money go, Who took it and why. Again in their eyes they are the smartest animals on the earth but been blindsided by what I call Big Government Reality. I love watch then get angry that they can not understand that all they believe in and protested for is paid by THEM!
But all the college students where told by ........ and went out and protested ! Could their ever so self important professors be wrong or.......LIED TO THEM to have them vote or think a certain way?
They can't get it thru their highly uneducated heads they where used and never taught what real everyday Americans face everyday. The College kids went from a home I am sure did not have to pay rent for, to a 4 year vacation and most think because they are the "Chosen one" and they are special and that everybody gets a paid 4 year vacation. They are not living in the real world and never up till they get their first job on their own, HAVE TO.
I love watching their shelter life come crashing down on their belief of they are so special and then see they are not. Funny seeing them find out what they have to do or how many jobs they have to work to keep a roof over their heads and their butts in a car and then see that their Vacation from reality has crashed and that either they work or be homeless. It's also funny when they get their "Dream Job" and they get Min wadge and then remember all the BULL $h*t they wanted to hear and had to be true and that all college grads make 6 figures right out of College and do not have to work for their life as work is for the people who did not go to College. Some even fully believe that a Employer will hire them just because they went to College to sit in a office all day and play. All of a sudden, The College Grad is just another person and a nobody in the real world and have to work their asses off to even get noticed when all they had to do at College was to dress like a hooker.
"All College should be free" they say BUT who pays that Commie Left Wing LOON they call a Professor, Their staff? ? Who pays for the heat, Hot Water and the people who wait on your uneducated ego hand and foot? Somebody has to pay and it's YOU.
Remember, All the Bull Shit you heard and where taught in College is OUTDATED. Ever wonder why your Professor seems so know it all BUT no employer would hire his old outdated informed brain?
Now getting back to your first check and it is HALF of what they said your special ass would be paid. What YOU protested about in College and thought it was "Cool" is to have higher and higher taxes taken out of YOUR paycheck to pay for people who are on Welfare, EBT, Illegal Aliens, Gay stuff ect. YOU DEMANDED TO BE SCREWED and now you are and YOU don't like it one bit. How do you think the rest of AMERICA feels?
Welcome to REALITY and I hope it hurts.
Dierk's out. This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the Second Amendment.
I laugh when I hear a recent know it all College punk say that and then try to figure out where did that money go, Who took it and why. Again in their eyes they are the smartest animals on the earth but been blindsided by what I call Big Government Reality. I love watch then get angry that they can not understand that all they believe in and protested for is paid by THEM!
But all the college students where told by ........ and went out and protested ! Could their ever so self important professors be wrong or.......LIED TO THEM to have them vote or think a certain way?
They can't get it thru their highly uneducated heads they where used and never taught what real everyday Americans face everyday. The College kids went from a home I am sure did not have to pay rent for, to a 4 year vacation and most think because they are the "Chosen one" and they are special and that everybody gets a paid 4 year vacation. They are not living in the real world and never up till they get their first job on their own, HAVE TO.
I love watching their shelter life come crashing down on their belief of they are so special and then see they are not. Funny seeing them find out what they have to do or how many jobs they have to work to keep a roof over their heads and their butts in a car and then see that their Vacation from reality has crashed and that either they work or be homeless. It's also funny when they get their "Dream Job" and they get Min wadge and then remember all the BULL $h*t they wanted to hear and had to be true and that all college grads make 6 figures right out of College and do not have to work for their life as work is for the people who did not go to College. Some even fully believe that a Employer will hire them just because they went to College to sit in a office all day and play. All of a sudden, The College Grad is just another person and a nobody in the real world and have to work their asses off to even get noticed when all they had to do at College was to dress like a hooker.
"All College should be free" they say BUT who pays that Commie Left Wing LOON they call a Professor, Their staff? ? Who pays for the heat, Hot Water and the people who wait on your uneducated ego hand and foot? Somebody has to pay and it's YOU.
Remember, All the Bull Shit you heard and where taught in College is OUTDATED. Ever wonder why your Professor seems so know it all BUT no employer would hire his old outdated informed brain?
Now getting back to your first check and it is HALF of what they said your special ass would be paid. What YOU protested about in College and thought it was "Cool" is to have higher and higher taxes taken out of YOUR paycheck to pay for people who are on Welfare, EBT, Illegal Aliens, Gay stuff ect. YOU DEMANDED TO BE SCREWED and now you are and YOU don't like it one bit. How do you think the rest of AMERICA feels?
Welcome to REALITY and I hope it hurts.
Dierk's out. This piece is covered by the First Amendment and PROTECTED by the Second Amendment.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
How to get Foreign Money out of US Government's Checkbook.
Big foreign money has been buying US Government for more years than I want to remember. This is one of the reasons why Government moves so dam slow. Every Government employee move must be calculated on how would their big foreign donors react and will their Campaign fund gravely train stop. Government does not care about the American BUT keeping that easy vote buying money rolling into their bank accounts. Because of this, WHEN HAS GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED SOMETHING AMERICAN OR DID SOMETHING SO FAST BESIDES VOTE THEMSELVES A RAISE? Don't worry, Can't remember either.
Want to slow down the foreign money buying Government and get Government's attention FAST?
Become Energy independent and do not tell or ask Government for permission. Go put up Solar Panels on your roof and Get a Wind Turbine and Paint it ALL BLACK ( So it's very hard to see during the day!) and get what is called a "Grid Tie In System". Even build a Tower that you or your family can put up at night and retract before daylight. Change your light bulbs to LED bulbs and watch your electric bill and firing money influence on government drop. Government will loose their minds because they will be getting heat from their big foreign donors about less money in their pockets and that will be a GOOD THING and that also means less money in TERRORIST POCKETS.
We built our Solar and Wind system ourselves. We are still hooked to the "Grid" for emergencies but we have a whole house diesel and propane generators with stored fuel for them above and below ground. We also have a bank of batteries to hold what we harvest from the Sun and Wind. This whole system is not hard to build and will make you very independent and Government will hate that! This system has paid for itself many times over.
Make your own power and make Big Greedy Government nuts.
Dierk's out. This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.
Want to slow down the foreign money buying Government and get Government's attention FAST?
Become Energy independent and do not tell or ask Government for permission. Go put up Solar Panels on your roof and Get a Wind Turbine and Paint it ALL BLACK ( So it's very hard to see during the day!) and get what is called a "Grid Tie In System". Even build a Tower that you or your family can put up at night and retract before daylight. Change your light bulbs to LED bulbs and watch your electric bill and firing money influence on government drop. Government will loose their minds because they will be getting heat from their big foreign donors about less money in their pockets and that will be a GOOD THING and that also means less money in TERRORIST POCKETS.
We built our Solar and Wind system ourselves. We are still hooked to the "Grid" for emergencies but we have a whole house diesel and propane generators with stored fuel for them above and below ground. We also have a bank of batteries to hold what we harvest from the Sun and Wind. This whole system is not hard to build and will make you very independent and Government will hate that! This system has paid for itself many times over.
Make your own power and make Big Greedy Government nuts.
Dierk's out. This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
You can help a American get a Kidney!
One of our fans needs a Kidney to live. Fine we are in America and what could be the problem? We have tons of Kidneys here! Well yes, we do have "Tons of Kidneys here" in the United States but it takes just a little more then just any Kidney.
It takes being a ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Here is his Link to donate.
Go and read it and if you can , Donate to it. NOW let me tell you why this is a problem for him to get a Kidney: He is a American.
Now what I am going to tell you is not from the above link BUT what I found out on my own.
If you are a Illegal Alien from anywhere , You go to the front of the line for PC reasons, even if you can not pay for it or have no insurance, YOU WILL GET A KIDNEY FASTER then a American. All you have to do is walk across the border and you will get a free ride to a Hospital for your operation. This works with Anchor Babies too. The American gets screwed and the bill. I wish I was kidding but the Government does not give a dam about the everyday American but only themselves. Just look at the VA system. You and I know for a fact that if Government had to use the VA system for their health care the VA system would have been the best. Government goes to a private doctor who will wait on them hand and foot as again Americans get screwed. Government's reality and the Americans reality are very different. I do not care if Government employees think they are more import then Americans, THEY WORK FOR US. If Government employee needs a Kidney, They do not have to wait and go to the front of the line over a Illegal Alien. We even have people from outside the United States fly in for the best in medical care and still the American still gets screwed.
So what is the American to do who has no health insurance in the eyes of the Government? If they can not be used for Political reasons, Government expects them to DIE because they are useless to the Government.
Outside of saving every penny they have, GoFundMe sites are a good back up to help get donations to get him a Kidney. They are not cheap but every single dollar makes him closer to living a Normal life.
What happened to his old one? It gave out at a very early age and he was lucky enough to get a family match. He since then has taken care of his body to help keep his kidney that is failing now longer BUT IT IS FAILING and daily visits to Dialysis is his life.
If you can help, Please do.
Thank You
Dierks out.
It takes being a ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Here is his Link to donate.
Go and read it and if you can , Donate to it. NOW let me tell you why this is a problem for him to get a Kidney: He is a American.
Now what I am going to tell you is not from the above link BUT what I found out on my own.
If you are a Illegal Alien from anywhere , You go to the front of the line for PC reasons, even if you can not pay for it or have no insurance, YOU WILL GET A KIDNEY FASTER then a American. All you have to do is walk across the border and you will get a free ride to a Hospital for your operation. This works with Anchor Babies too. The American gets screwed and the bill. I wish I was kidding but the Government does not give a dam about the everyday American but only themselves. Just look at the VA system. You and I know for a fact that if Government had to use the VA system for their health care the VA system would have been the best. Government goes to a private doctor who will wait on them hand and foot as again Americans get screwed. Government's reality and the Americans reality are very different. I do not care if Government employees think they are more import then Americans, THEY WORK FOR US. If Government employee needs a Kidney, They do not have to wait and go to the front of the line over a Illegal Alien. We even have people from outside the United States fly in for the best in medical care and still the American still gets screwed.
So what is the American to do who has no health insurance in the eyes of the Government? If they can not be used for Political reasons, Government expects them to DIE because they are useless to the Government.
Outside of saving every penny they have, GoFundMe sites are a good back up to help get donations to get him a Kidney. They are not cheap but every single dollar makes him closer to living a Normal life.
What happened to his old one? It gave out at a very early age and he was lucky enough to get a family match. He since then has taken care of his body to help keep his kidney that is failing now longer BUT IT IS FAILING and daily visits to Dialysis is his life.
If you can help, Please do.
Thank You
Dierks out.
Government Is Not Your Friend.
I was talking to one of our fans and he was telling me how hard it was where he and his family live to get what I feel are a few basic "Rights" you have when you one a home.
He lives in the North East Left Wing state, Lives in a town on a small 50 x 100 foot lot, 2 story home. He got sick and tired for paying a HUGE electric bills every month and decided to do something about. When I heard the amount I could not believe it, BUT spending a average of 475.00 every month to keep your lights on I almost did not believe it till I did a little digging and he is right. I am still shaking my head!
He went out and did some looking around and made 2 choices. Solar Panels on HIS HOUSE and a Wind Turbine also. He thought he was being "Green" and his town where he lives is always preaching being "Green" so what could go wrong? He ordered them, Installed them and watched his meter almost come to a stop ! He could not believe it because he said he did not spend alot of money to almost make it stop and he was doing something good for the Earth too ! He said he was happy and anybody not giving themselves a 5 grand raise a year without much work would be happy.
A few months goes by when a Town "Code Enforcement" employee came banging on his door, as my fan puts it, "Thinking he has some sort of power to DEMAND respect from me and I have to kiss his ring". His town Code Enforcement Nazi asked if he had a permit for his Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine. My fan said that this is HIS HOME he OWNS and he will do what he wants to the home without asking for permission from anybody. This did not fly with a left leaning environmental town that makes you sort your garbage, who gives you better parking spaces in the town if you drive a battery operated car. They took him to COURT to explain why he had installed himself Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright owns. His response to the Judge was as he said respectful but blunt. He asked the Judge in this "Town Court" just why should he have to ask ANYBODY for permission to put Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright owns in the United States of America? He said the Judge lost it and began screaming some rant that he could not understand at all as the "Court Officers" where trying their best to intimidate him. As he says, He just stood there bewildered. He said that if the "Town Judge" was just nice and respectful and even explained to him why this was a problem, He may have gone along with it BUT the "Town Judge" wanted to make a point to a man who has served his country in some hell holes, Who has a set of balls on him a mile wide.
My fan said that this is America and no court would change that or his freedom to do what he wants to a home he outright owns. He said he then thanked to court for their time and did a about face and walked out of there. When the "Court Officers" approached him in a attempt to detain his he just told him to "Back Off" and the did.
He went home and talked to his Lawyer and sell the home AFTER he went to a few Town Hall meetings and told a "Stacked" town board members how he felt and why he is moving out of the area and he hopes the town gets the Welfare Crowd into a Section 8 home they crave so much into his home he worked 2 jobs paying off.
He sold the home to a Corporation who chops up homes for Section 8 and moved a few states away and bought 100 acres of a Farm and put up his Solar Panels and now 5 Wind Turbines where his Electric bis is 25.00 a month. He said he is still "Tied in to the grid" and installed a Whole house Generator so there will never be a problem.
And yes, He did not ask anybody for PERMISSION to do what he wants to HIS HOME HE OWNS in AMERICA.
Dierks out.
This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.
He lives in the North East Left Wing state, Lives in a town on a small 50 x 100 foot lot, 2 story home. He got sick and tired for paying a HUGE electric bills every month and decided to do something about. When I heard the amount I could not believe it, BUT spending a average of 475.00 every month to keep your lights on I almost did not believe it till I did a little digging and he is right. I am still shaking my head!
He went out and did some looking around and made 2 choices. Solar Panels on HIS HOUSE and a Wind Turbine also. He thought he was being "Green" and his town where he lives is always preaching being "Green" so what could go wrong? He ordered them, Installed them and watched his meter almost come to a stop ! He could not believe it because he said he did not spend alot of money to almost make it stop and he was doing something good for the Earth too ! He said he was happy and anybody not giving themselves a 5 grand raise a year without much work would be happy.
A few months goes by when a Town "Code Enforcement" employee came banging on his door, as my fan puts it, "Thinking he has some sort of power to DEMAND respect from me and I have to kiss his ring". His town Code Enforcement Nazi asked if he had a permit for his Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine. My fan said that this is HIS HOME he OWNS and he will do what he wants to the home without asking for permission from anybody. This did not fly with a left leaning environmental town that makes you sort your garbage, who gives you better parking spaces in the town if you drive a battery operated car. They took him to COURT to explain why he had installed himself Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright owns. His response to the Judge was as he said respectful but blunt. He asked the Judge in this "Town Court" just why should he have to ask ANYBODY for permission to put Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine on a home he outright owns in the United States of America? He said the Judge lost it and began screaming some rant that he could not understand at all as the "Court Officers" where trying their best to intimidate him. As he says, He just stood there bewildered. He said that if the "Town Judge" was just nice and respectful and even explained to him why this was a problem, He may have gone along with it BUT the "Town Judge" wanted to make a point to a man who has served his country in some hell holes, Who has a set of balls on him a mile wide.
My fan said that this is America and no court would change that or his freedom to do what he wants to a home he outright owns. He said he then thanked to court for their time and did a about face and walked out of there. When the "Court Officers" approached him in a attempt to detain his he just told him to "Back Off" and the did.
He went home and talked to his Lawyer and sell the home AFTER he went to a few Town Hall meetings and told a "Stacked" town board members how he felt and why he is moving out of the area and he hopes the town gets the Welfare Crowd into a Section 8 home they crave so much into his home he worked 2 jobs paying off.
He sold the home to a Corporation who chops up homes for Section 8 and moved a few states away and bought 100 acres of a Farm and put up his Solar Panels and now 5 Wind Turbines where his Electric bis is 25.00 a month. He said he is still "Tied in to the grid" and installed a Whole house Generator so there will never be a problem.
And yes, He did not ask anybody for PERMISSION to do what he wants to HIS HOME HE OWNS in AMERICA.
Dierks out.
This piece is covered by the FIRST AMENDMENT and PROTECTED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.
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